Saturday, December 18, 2010

Winter is boring...

Sorry I've been away for so long! Winter time is SO boring and the weather has been horrible.

It stopped raining long enough to spend some time outside last weekend. Of course, Ben wanted to play ball. He likes to stare at it VERY closely in case Mom can't find it.

Then he gets into the "ready to run" stance...

Then he RUNS!!

And RUNS....

I like to play for awhile...

But then I get tired! I'm getting old, ya know??

Ellie NEVER plays because chasing balls involves exercise. Ellie doesn't do exercise!

But look what Mom got us! I like to call it the "BLUE BALL OF MYSTERY!!". When she first brought it out we couldn't figure out what the heck it was! It was glowing from the inside.

Turns out, it's a ball! And now we can play all night! (it doesn't allow for good pics though!)

In other news, Sam got adopted.

Ben is heartbroken and can't believe Sam's gone. He's still on the lookout in case Sam magically appears.

Molly is ecstatic that she gets to be the Queen of Cats again. Can't you just feel the enthusiasm?

And what else have I been up to? I've been working really hard on destroying all my toys! It keeps me busy on the long, dark nights. Hopefully Santa will bring me lots of replacements!

And of course, Mom has been doing what she always does when she gets bored! Dress up!
Ellie before:

Ellie: after

Cutest little squirrel this side of the Mississippi!


  1. We have a hard time posting in the winter too. The pictures we take indoors never turn out very good, but it's always raining outside! Yuk. I hate winter :(

    Emma Rose

    PS I would like it a lot more if it snowed!

  2. It's me again - Just stopping by to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!!

    Emma Rose
