And Uncle Mike threw some sticks for us!
Then we got a giant surprise!! We went down the road to meet some news friends...
First we met this big guy, Mr. Turkey (yup, that's his real name). He looked pretty tasty and Mom didn't like our behavior, so we got put on a leash...
Then we met this guy. Yup, a goat!! And his whole goat family! Mom let me run lose and my Aussie instincts went into high gear.
I herded these guys around the field and through the barn 10 times. I wasn't sure exactly what to do but it sure was fun! Mom has never seen me so happy or move so fast!
And then I got to meet some sheep! Unfortunately, Mom didn't have her camera throughout this entire amazing adventure. By the time she got back, the sheep were on their way far from me!
They ran into the woods and wouldn't come out!
Mom tried to make me reenact the entire event but it was super hot and I was panting like a crazy fool!
Then Mom gave Ben a chance... What did he do? This!! He was SCARED of the animals. A Border Collie, scared? I couldn't believe it!
Hope your Memorial Day weekend was as fun as mine!
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