Monday, October 26, 2009

Murray's Water Slide

As dangerous as this looks, gumby legs did not break his neck!

Hiking & Swimming

It was such a beautiful day yesterday that Mom decided to take us ALL hiking at Pilot Mountain. Look at those fall colors!

Ellie and Murray relaxed on the way there...

We started off with some hiking and some weed sniffing.

Then we went to the river for some swimming.

Ellie was a little scared of the water so she hung out with this tree.

I, of course, got wet and then ran around in the dirt!

Jack followed me!

Murray couldn't keep up so he decided to do something else...

Go down the "water slide" over and over! Mom was laughing so hard!

Ellie got really tired and had to be carried back to the car. Wimp!

This is the "after photo". Mom had just told me I was getting a bath as soon as we got home. I can't imagine why??

Here I am getting clean. I look so pretty now! I'll post some clean pictures of me later.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Weekend Fun

Here are some pics from our early morning adventure to the park. Mom locked us in the baseball diamond and we went crazy!

Murray looks possessed!

But we've obviously gotten over our differences...

Ellie was too little and slow to keep up with us!

And what was Jack doing? Waiting for someone to throw the frisbee, of course!

Meanwhile, Ellie was still just sitting there!

And then she wanted to cuddle with me! I didn't put up with that for long!

Where'd Jack go?

Shocking! He was chasing his frisbee!

Three amigos...

Ellie was ready to go! She got tired with those little, stubby legs!

Meet Ellie

I guess Mom decided we didn't have enough craziness in the house and brought home another foster! She said she couldn't resist the "merled cuteness". I'm not sure I agree but meet Ellie!

She even gets to sleep in the bed!

And she stole my new blanket from Grandma!

Murray can't even look! He wanted that blanket really bad!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Christmas continues!

Grandma and Grandpa are here celebrating an early Christmas with us because they are going to Texas in December. They brought us lots of toys! Mom got some stuff too, including this shirt, that she made me wear around the house!

On Saturday we decided to take a Christmas hike around Pilot Mt. Mom made us all sit in the back because Grandma and Grandpa had to ride in the car, too. We thought it was REALLY fun!

Well, Jack was a little nervous about the arrangement...

Here is Pilot Mt! We walked all the way up and around it.

This is my Grandpa and Grandma!

View from the trail...

What a beautiful day!

All that hiking tuckered me out. I needed a good nap on Mom's bed to recuperate!